Wei LiĀ
Professor of Physics and Astronomy
Rice Academy Senior Fellow
HBH 229A
(713) 348-3948
Research engineers:
Mikhail Matveev
Senior Electronics Engineer on CMS ETL, ePIC TOF
Luis Sanchez
Electronics Engineer on CMS ETL, ePIC TOF
Tao Huang
Software and Firmware Engineer on CMS ETL, ePIC TOF
Ulf Behrens
Software Engineer on CMS DAQ
Postdoctoral Fellows:
Nicole Lewis, Rice Academy Junior Fellow
Interests: UPCs, collectivity, MTD
HBH 230C
Xiaoyu Liu
Interests: Jets, collectivity, MTD
HBH 230C
Graduate Students:
JiaZhao Lin
Interests: DIS, UPCs; level-1 and high-level triggers;
HBH 335
Daniela Yano
Interests: UPCs
HBH 335
Xiao Huang, USTC
Interests: UPCs, Jets, collectivity
Undergraduate Students:
Feng Liu (USTC)
Interests: collectivity in jets, jet substructure, muon-ion collider
Wren Kawamura (Rice)
Katherine Xie (Rice)
Albert Xu (Rice)
Kelly Yang (Rice)
Visiting Scholars:
Isabela Silverio (UNESP)
- Maxime Guilbaud (Assistant Professor, SUBATECH, Nantes, France)
- Andre Stahl (CERN staff scientist)
- Austin Baty (Assistant Professor, UIC)
- Shuai Yang (Professor, SCNU, China)
Graduate students:
- Zhenyu Chen (Professor, Shangdong University, China)
- Zhoudunming (Kong) Tu (Physicist, BNL)
- Yousen Zhang (Postdoc, Brookhaven National Lab)
- Parker Gardner (Postdoc, University of Maryland)
Undergraduate students:
- Benjamin Tran (UT Medical School)
- Sang Eon Park (graduate student at MIT)
- Yijie Wang (graduate student at MIT)
- Elli Vassilev (graduate student at Stanford)
- Jinjing Guo
- Jiahao Yan (graduate student at WUSTL)
Visiting scholars:
- Cesar Bernardes (Assistant Professor, Brazil)
- Liuyao Zhang (postdoc, Fudan University, Shanghai)